We rely on the generosity and kindness of the general public, grant funders and businesses alike. Without this support Ferring Country Centre would not be able to offer its services and facilities to people with learning disabilities.
If you have, in some way, been inspired by the work we do please consider giving either a one off or regular donation.
The quickest and simplest way to support us is to use our secure on-line donations link. You will be able to choose to leave a one-off donation or make a regular donation in complete confidence. You can also ensure Ferring Country Centre receives an extra bonus from the tax man by completing the *Gift Aid declaration.

Help us to continue to improve our service and support more adults with learning disabilities
Your Donation
If you are a UK taxpayer your donation could be worth 25% more at no extra cost to you.
I am a UK taxpayer and would like to Gift Aid my donations now and in future. I understand I must pay enough income tax and/or capital gains tax each tax year to cover the amount of Gift Aid that all charities and community amateur sports clubs claim on my donations in that tax year, and I am responsible for paying any difference. Please remember to let us know if your tax status, name or address change or if you wish to cancel your Gift Aid declaration.

Appeals introduction
Your visit helps us change lives
What makes Ferring Country Centre truly special is the difference you make by visiting us. Every purchase, booking, or donation directly supports our work with people who have learning disabilities.
Here’s how:
Your visit helps us change lives (Donate)

If you are a UK taxpayer your donation could be worth 25% more at no extra cost to you.
I am a UK taxpayer and would like to Gift Aid my donations now and in future. I understand I must pay enough income tax and/or capital gains tax each tax year to cover the amount of Gift Aid that all charities and community amateur sports clubs claim on my donations in that tax year, and I am responsible for paying any difference. Please remember to let us know if your tax status, name or address change or if you wish to cancel your Gift Aid declaration.
There are many ways to support our mission – make a donation, organise a fundraising event, volunteer with us, play our lottery, adopt an animal, or become a member or leave a legacy in your will.

Your donation will help us to continue to improve our service and support more adults with learning disabilities.
“We thank all our benefactors whose continued generosity, donations and support enable us to achieve our objectives, invest in new projects and support our customers.”
The team at Ferring Country Centre

More ways to support us
*If you are a current UK taxpayer, your donation will be boosted by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you.
Gift Aid is reclaimed by the Charity from the Tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer. In order to Gift Aid your donation please remember to tick the box.